Manual Tourniquet Standard Cuff Basket
Cuff Basket :
Elegant, Light Weight, Roomy Cuff Storage Basket
* Specification -
Cuff Pressure 0 to 500 mm of Hg
Inflation Method Manually by Rubber Bulb of Foot Operated Pump
Pressure Control Manually by EXHAUST and FINE CONTROL Buttons
Pressure Display Unit Calibrated Dial Gauge
Pressure Resolution 5 mm of Hg
Accuracy +/- 4 mm of Hg
Method of Operation Manual System Control
Tourniquet Cuff Special, Soft Armoted Type
Standard Cuff Sizes Child 30 x 5 cm
Supplied with the Standard Arm 35 x 7 cm
Equipment Modified Leg 76 x 8.5 cm
Weight of the Unit 875 gm