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Neonatal Resuscitation System

Last Updated on : 10-1-2017


Power Source           :- 230V AC. + 10%, 50 Hz

Light Source             :- 60 Watts Bulb to examine babies

Heater Capacity        :-  600 Watts

Power Consumption :- 800 Watts at 100% Heater Power

Temperature Resolution :- 0.1 DegreeC

Temperature Skin      :-  25 DegreeC - 39 DegreeC

Temperature Air        :-  25 DegreeC - 39 DegreeC

Country of Origin     :- Made In India 




Today's neonatal care has become critical & demanding professional expertise which require current technology support to achieve predicted result. For this, neocare has specially developed neonatal resuscitation system which fulfils basic need of resuscitation.
SALIENT FEATURES/SERVO CONTROL MODE :- Servo control is an electric feedback system which function as thermostat to maintain a constant temperature at the site of skin probe by regulating the heat output of radiant warmer. Maintain a constant abdominal skin temperature between 36.5 & 37 C is the simplest way to provide a "thermoneutral" environment, minimizing the no. of calories needed to maintain normal body temperature & reducing the risks of cold stress or overheating. servo control is the only acceptable method of heat regulation for the infant cared for under a radiant warmer.
MANUAL MODE :- The manual mode allows the warmer to be kept 'baby ready' without nuisance alarms. when needed warmer provides safe, powerful and controlled warming to restore the temperature drop experienced by the baby immediately after delivery.
AIR CONTROL MODE:- Air control is an electronic feedback system which functions as a thermostat to maintain a constant temperature of baby cradle by regulating the heat output of rediant. warmer. it also acts as a WATCH DOG as air over temperature cuts off heater even if the warmer is operating in servo mode.
OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION :- Oxygen pressure adjustment regulator with hose pipe Humidifier bottle Reusable silicon patient tubing Oxygen flow meter with flow control facility(0-15 Lt/Min) Silicon autoclavable resuscitation bag(250 ml) with neonatal & infant mask
SUCTION :- Electrical operated suction unit with pressure adjustable facility (0-110 mm Hg) with unbrekable & autoclavable jar
INLINE MANOMETER :- Monitors oxygen pressure delivered through resuscitation Bag.
INTUBATION :- Laryngoscope with 0 & 1 straight blades. disposable E.T.Tubes with slip joints.
EOCARE WARMER(With dual probe) :- Skin & Air Temperature displayed individually on 1" bright red LED display Three modes of warming, Air & manual Programmable heater power & time in manual mode individual LED for selection of mode (skin, Air & manual) Apgar Timer - Attend baby alarm Programmable mute time