Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy is a form of phototherapy which involves the application of monochromatic light over biological tissue to elicit a bimodulative effect within that tissue. It assist in improving healing rate, decreases inflammatory edema, increases regenration of damaged nerve, increases healing responses of fractures.
- Micro-controller based
- Independent intensity control for each channel
- Modes : Continuous, Burst, PWM, FM
- LCD display
- Feather touch keys
- ABS plastic shockproof body , Aesthetic look
- Compact design Light weight, Easy to use
- Programs for Continuous and pulse
- Treatment timer
Technical Specification :-
--> Laser beam Class : 3B
--> Laser Type : Diode, Semiconductor GaAs
--> Modes : Continuous and Pulse
--> Wavelength : 650nm
--> Power : 20mw
--> Power Density : 0.8w/cm2
--> Energy delivered/min : 1 joule
--> Key Lock
--> Beam Surface : 0.025 cm2
--> Dimensions : 275 x 200 x 85mm
--> Carrying case
--> Weight : less than 2kgs
--> Input : 220-240Vac , 50/60 Hz
--> Goggles